
A gay serial killer in Los Angeles plays head games with the cop assigned to his case, who just happens to be in the closet himself.

Psycho killer Jack (Malcolm Moorman) likes to kill young L.A. hustlers, drifters and hitchhikers. A deranged sadist, he tortures, sodomizes, and even castrates his victims. He then takes them to the basement of an unused theater, where they receive more gruesome, shocking torture.

Raymond (Noel Palomaria) is the rookie homicide detective assigned to the case. While investigating the fatal mutilation of a gay man, the officer visits a bar patronized by the victim. He meets the deviant Jack, whose “gaydar” quickly picks up on Raymond's homosexuality. The killer seduces him, and they spend the rest of the evening having a tryst.

In the morning, the cop awakens, handcuffed to the bed. Jack takes his police badge, and makes fun of him. When it becomes apparent that the detective is gay, the film’s largely gay-bashing LAPD force includes two cops that beat him up, because of his sexual preference.

Jack kills another victim, and sticks Raymond’s badge in the corpse’s mouth.

A shockingly graphic film, more drama ensues.


Additional Info

  • Genre: Crime Drama
  • Starring: Noel Palomaria, Malcolm Moorman, Michael Waite, Charles Layner, John Huckert
  • Year: 1998
  • Duration: 102 Minutes